20 Characteristics of Successful Senior Executives By Dan McCarthy
Dan wrote this brilliant list of 20 Characteristics that we think nails what you’re looking for when you’re creating a senior team, or in your early stage, those who you want to grow with the business.
Self Made in America by John McCormack
We discovered this book many years ago and while it is out of print, used copies can still be found. John talks about why so many first generation immigrants are wildly successful when they come to the US and what it takes to build a successful company from nothing.
The Founder’s Dilemmas by Noam Wasserman
This is a great book that covers one important consideration. Do you want wealth or power? Few founders get to have both. It covers some of the delicate issues we confront in our practice where some founders want it both ways but lack the skills to both grow their baby and gain the wealth they desire.
Inversion Thinking by James Clear
James covers one brilliant way to vet an idea by thinking in reverse. Why wouldn’t the idea work? It was the basis for our building the wildly successful Exotics at Redmond Town Center. It’s a useful way to conduct due diligence on any great idea or strategy.
The Society for Effectual Action
We recently discovered this organization and the work they are doing to uncover the secrets of how entrepreneurs become successful, especially those who have had more than one success. The principals are simple and easy to understand and they work. We’ve used them for years, but never knew it was a thing until recently.
Dunning-Kruger Effect
We’ve been fascinated by the parallel between Dunning-Kruger and how senior leadership gets stuck by thinking they know all there is to know. One company continually hired the wrong experts because they had no frame of reference for the right experts. It is best illustrated by the Dunning-Kruger Curve.
Radical Road to Self-Esteem by David K. Reynolds
This is a short interview with David about his views on self-esteem and how to build it. He also wrote a terrific small book called Constructive Living which I highly recommend.
Dr. Keith Dunbar Suggested Readings
Harvard Business Review- What leaders need to know about organizational culture
Harvard Business Review- Managing Organizations
Harvard Business Review- 6 Signs Your Corporate Culture is a Liability
Robert Hogan Ph.D.- Values and Organizational Culture
Keith Dunbar, Ph.D.- Purposeful Culture
Tom on Quora
It began with answering questions on Quora in December, 2017 and has grown to over 31.2 million content views. Answers made the Quora Digest more than 800 times, while sent to more than 213 million recipients. This led to our forming our “Tom and Friends on Management and Entrepreneurship” Quora page in December 2019 which now has over 160,000 followers and growing every day. Based on your questions, we created the bi-monthly Zoom call for entrepreneurs and are now working on our first podcasts to cover what we discuss. Please contact us to participate in these fun and informative calls where we cover all things entrepreneurial.